
作为文化交流的坚定倡导者,柯秀亭老师帮助推动了全球音乐教育的发展,在纪念中国二战胜利70周年音乐会上表演,并在中国举办了一系列钢琴教学研讨会和大师班巡演。此外,她还在北京、杜克大学和the Chamber Orchestra of the Triangle交响乐团举办过钢琴研讨会,在那里她是董事会成员。2019年,柯秀亭老师与Gary Graffman等名人一起成为美国IMAE钢琴节和比赛的联席导演。
Being a strong proponent of cultural exchange, Florence has helped advance music education worldwide, performing at the concert commemorating the Seventieth Anniversary of China's Victory in World War Two and hosting a series of piano-instruction seminars and a masterclasses tour in China. Moreover, she has conducted piano seminars in Beijing, at Duke University and at the Chamber Orchestra of the Triangle, where she is a board member. In 2019, Florence became Co-director, alongside luminaries such as Gary Graffman, of the USA IMAE Piano Festival & Competition.
"I have had an incredible 10-year journey with Ms. Ko as my piano teacher. After two concerto performances with the Winston Salem Symphony and the Tar River Symphony Orchestra, numerous competition awards, and countless recitals under Ms. Ko's instruction, I have gained the drive and confidence not only to make music an inseparable part of my life but also to succeed in college and beyond."
Kevin Xu
"Not only has Ms. Ko taught me how to play/perform the piano, but she has also helped me learn to be patient and to persevere. I am grateful for that because these traits will stay with me for the rest of my life."
Brandon Luo
"Throughout my many years of learning with Ms. Ko, she has taught me so many important lifelong skills that go hand in hand with playing piano. I'm very luck to have had her as a mentor."
Stephanie Wang
"Ms. Florence Ko's dedication to her students is unparalleled. I have been her student for five years and have benefited immensely. My only regret is that I did not start learning earlier from her. She made me realize my true potential and allowed me to challenge myself. This work ethic has also helped me immensely in my other endeavors. My love of playing the piano is something I will now continue no matter where I go. Ms. Ko's teaching style, though strict, is essential if one wants to truly appreciate the nuances of classical piano music. Thank you, Ms. Ko."
Sahil Pontula